Monday, 5 September 2011

Renew IP address

Often using a LAN inside a home, users will encounter one or more PC's that refust to renew the IP address and bring the network back to a fully usable state. However this took care of that problem for us I hope it will for other XP home and PRO users.

  • Releasing and Renewing an IP address on Windows NT/2000/XP
    • Click the Start menu in the lower left hand part of the screen.
    • Click Run.
    • In the space provided type "ipconfig /release" and click OK. Note that there is a space between ipconfig and the /release.
    • To renew the IP address from the DOS prompt, type "ipconfig /renew". Note that there is a space between ipconfig and the /renew.
  • Releasing and Renewing an IP address on Windows XP
    • Click the Start menu in the lower left hand part of the screen.
    • Click Run.
    • In the space provided type "ipconfig /release" and click OK. Note that there is a space between ipconfig and the /release.
    • Type "ipconfig /renew". Note that there is a space between ipconfig and the /renew

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